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Vipassana Meditation Course in English with Aad Verboom – Online with Zoom – 6

17 maart 2021|19:30 - 21:30

The course is suitable for all those living in Amsterdam and the surrounding area, who are interested in getting acquainted with the practice of Vipassana meditation.

The course is based on the practice of the late Mahasi Sayadaw and will allow the student to understand the difference between calm-directed meditation and wisdom-directed meditation. Vipassana, which is frequently described as Insight Meditation, is typically a wisdom-directed approach.

Online with Zoom

  • We meditate together using Zoom, which enables us to meditate as well as to have questions and answers.

Seven evenings and optionally a meditation weekend 20 – 21 March.

De cursus is ook geschikt voor Nederlandstaligen met enige kennis van het Engels.

  • Begeleiding door Aad Verboom en Çimen Ekici.
  • 7 Wednesday evenings, from 10 February to 24 March, from 19:30 until 21:30
  • € 75 for the course (fixed price) + dana (free gift for the instruction).
  • Course material is handed during classes.
  • Maximum 5 participants. When the course is fully booked, you can sign up for the waiting list.

Some houserules for using Zoom:

  • Please join the meeting in time, i.e. no later than a few minutes before the start of the session at 19:30 hours.
  • Test your own video and sound beforehand.


17 maart 2021
19:30 - 21:30
Evenement Categorieën:


Dhammadipa – Vipassana meditatiecentrum gevestigd in Amsterdam.


17 maart 2021
19:30 - 21:30
Evenement Categorieën:


Dhammadipa – Vipassana meditatiecentrum gevestigd in Amsterdam.

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