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Vipassana Introduction Course in English (2/7) 3 october – 21 november 2024 physical

10 oktober 2024|18:30 - 20:30

- E75

Vipassana Introduction Course in English (2/7) 3 october – 21 november physical

The course is suitable for all those living in Amsterdam and the surrounding area, who are interested in getting acquainted with the practice of Vipassana meditation. The course is in English but also suitable for Dutch speakers with sufficient English knowledge.

Registration is required.  Guidance by Aad Verboom.

The course is based on the approach of the late Mahasi Sayadaw and will allow the student to understand the difference between calm-directed meditation and wisdom-directed meditation. Vipassana, which is frequently described as Insight Meditation, is typically a wisdom-directed approach.

During the 7 sessions, the meditation student will practice standing, sitting, walking and moving exercises to gradually develop temporary concentration based on mindfulness of the body, feelings, consciousness and mind objects. The central focus of these exercises is to generate a heightened sense of awareness and alertness of what is experienced by the body and mind from moment to moment, at any moment.

In general, the practice will help the student to accept reality as it is, to develop patience, endurance and determination.

Venue for all sessions is Karunika, Meerhuizenplein 38, Amsterdam.

  • 7 Thursday evenings, from 3 october to 21 november (3, 10, 17, 24 – not 31 october – 7, 14 and 21 november), from 18:30 until 20:30.
  • Course material is handed during classes.
  • Maximum 12 participants. You can register via the website, Registration – Dhammadipa.
  • When the course is fully booked, you can sign up for the waiting list.
  • If you are unable to attend, please inform us as soon as possible. We can then invite the next person on the waiting list.

Please note the advice to prevent respiratory infections 

In this we have chosen to follow the guidelines of the government. As of 11 march 2023 the government has ended all Corona measures. That is good news .  See

Currently, the advice is limited to preventing respiratory infections.  Following the advice below helps limit the spread of viruses that cause respiratory infections. This helps protect everyone, including people with health concerns.


Coughing, sneezing, a sore throat and a stuffy or runny nose are signs of respiratory infection.

  1. Stay at home if you are ill.
  2. If your symptoms are mild, stay at home or do a selftest of good quality, with negative result and max 24 hours before the meditation activity. In case of doubt a new selftest is mandatory, which will be provided by Dhammadipa.
  3. If you have symptoms, avoid physical contact with people who could become seriously ill from a cold or flu virus. Wear a face mask if physical contact is necessary, for example, when providing care.

For questions and comments please mail


  • Costs:  € 75 for the course (fixed price).
  • At the end of the course, there will also be the opportunity to donate extra for the meditation guidance and teachings.
  • The dana can be offered via a bank transfer to the Dhammadipa, Amsterdam account number NL85 INGB 0005019113, mentioning ‘vic october 2024’ .
  • There is also a dana box so that you may offer dana in cash.



10 oktober 2024
18:30 - 20:30
Evenement Categorieën:


Vipassana meditatiecentrum gevestigd in Amsterdam.
Amsterdam, Nederland
+ Google Maps


Dhammadipa – Vipassana meditatiecentrum gevestigd in Amsterdam.


10 oktober 2024
18:30 - 20:30
Evenement Categorieën:


Vipassana meditatiecentrum gevestigd in Amsterdam.
Amsterdam, Nederland
+ Google Maps


Dhammadipa – Vipassana meditatiecentrum gevestigd in Amsterdam.

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